

Dr. Evermore’s Scrap Metal Yard:

Located on Highway 12, in Wisconsin, U.S. is Dr. Evermore’s Scrap Metal yard that features a wide variety of strange metal creatures to form an steampunk orchestra, a band of 70 bird-like statues, made from different musical instruments.
The Bird Band, as this unusual orchestra is commonly known, is made up of a giant metal cello, tubes, flutes, xylophones and bells. Tom Every, the creative genius behind Dr. Evermore’s scrap metal world, built every one of the statues, without any blueprints or previous designs. He just builds them off the top of his head, adding various parts and instruments, as he goes along.
In case you’re wondering who this mysterious Dr. Evermore is, he‘s a fictional character, created by Tom Every. Tom Every still works on new creations, so every visit to Dr.Evermore’s Scrap Metal Yard is full of new surprises.

Nice creativity, isnt it??? Metallic Elephant!

An elephant made from metal scraps, like golf clubs,nuts and bolts,screws,nails, etc..... :) 

The Blood Fountain

Location: Bucharest, Romania

Bleeding disease or Hemophilia, which is widespread in Romania, is such a dangerous disease that over 2,000 Romanian people have suffered from it. In order to alert Romanian people to this serious disease, a red water spraying fountain was built in the capital centre of Bucharest, Romania. This strange fountain is also called blood fountain.

World Chocolate Wonderland in Shanghai:

The World Chocolate Wonderland, a new theme park made entirely of chocolate has just opened in China's Shanghai on Friday, December 16. Everything on display was made from chocolate, including a replica of a life-size BMW, the ancient China's famous Terracotta Warriors and the traditional Chinese symbol of the dragon. Models clad in chocolate-made costumes that looked good enough to eat, strutted the ramp.

A similar chocolate exhibition was held in Beijing last year drawing over a half a million chocolate hunters.
This year’s exhibit includes a Great Wall of China and an army of 500 mind blowing detailed terracotta warriors, as well as a chocolate BMW that was created out of 80 tons of Belgian chocolate.

1,000 Door Building

“Doors” is a ten-storey public art installation made from 1,000 reused doors by South Korean artist and designer Choi Jeong-Hwa. It was built in Soeul, South Korea back in 2009 and you could probably safely say that it holds the record for the most doors in a single building...

Fake Swimming Pool by Leandro Erlich:

In one of the courtyards of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, is a swimming pool framed by a limestone deck. When seen from the deck, the pool appears to be filled with deep, shimmering water. In fact, however, a layer of water only some 10 centimeters deep is suspended over transparent glass. Below the glass is an empty space with aquamarine walls that viewers can enter.The Swimming Pool was designed by Buenos Aires artist Leandro Erlich in 2004. 

Kansas City Public Library’s Giant Bookshelf:

One of the most unusual architecture at Kansas City, has to be the facade of the parking garage for the Central Branch of the public library. The garage wall was designed to look like a row of giant books lined up on a shelf. The book spines, which measure approximately 25 feet by 9 feet, are made of signboard mylar. The shelf showcases 22 titles reflecting a wide variety of reading interests.

Hand Paintings by Guido Daniele:

Guido Daniele was born in Soverato (Italy) and now lives and works in Milan. In 1972 he started working as hyper-realistic illustrator, in co-operation with major editing and advertising companies, using and testing different painting techniques. In 1990 he added a new artistic experience to his previous ones: using the body painting technique he creates and paints models bodies for advertising pictures and commercials, fashion events and exhibitions.
The "Handimals" collection originally started when Daniele was hired by an advertising agency to do some body paintings of animals. Instantly he took passion in the idea. "I researched each animal in depth to see how I could transfer it to a hand, and then set about bringing it to life." The first "Handimal" was the cheetah, and to this day is still his favorite. "It turned out perfectly the first time and gave me the courage to complete the rest of the set."
Most commonly, Daniele uses his son (Michael James, 15) and daughter (Ginevra, 22) as his primary canvases.

A worker puts the final touches to a castle made from lemons and oranges during the lemon festival in Menton, southern France. Some 145 metric tons of citrus fruits are used to make displays during the 79th festival, which is themed "The Regions of France", and runs from February 17 through March 7.

The Most Amazing Paper Sculptures 

The Eckmans (Allen and Patty) are the inventors of this process and the Eckman Method® of Cast Paper Sculpture is a trade mark of theirs alone. Since 1988 Patty and Allen have developed and perfected the medium of cast paper far beyond any other artist in the world. Their work is considered to be the premier of the industry by many critics.
AWESOME ART AND DESIGN ... AWESOME ART AND DESIGN ... Reviewed by Unknown on 11:43 PM Rating: 5

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