

  • Gulf of Mexico is the largest gulf in the world.
  • Motherland, Volgagra d Russia is the tallest statue in the world.
  • Oshimzu Tunnel, Japan is the largest railway tunnel in the world.
  • Tristan da cunda is the world's loneliest island.
  • Rhodesia is the place where famous Victoria Falls is located.
  • Gerald Tisyum was the name of the person who discovered Ice Cream.
  • Trick was the original meaning of  `Quiz'.
  • Oxford Street is the busiest shopping centre of London.
  • Buckingham Palace is also known as the residence of the Queen in London.
  • Austria was the country where notorious Adolf Hitler was born.

VALUABLE FACTS ... VALUABLE FACTS ... Reviewed by Unknown on 12:31 PM Rating: 5

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